So the girls at Fashionchick emailed me the other day saying they loved my blog and sent me a link to their page.. I was more than impressed. It's like everything in one place, from clothes to fashion news.
Here are few items i found on their page that i would never of found else where.
The dresses are from AX Paris and Fashion Union and direct you to the page in order for you to purchase. The coat is from Pull & Bear and the AMAZING skirt is from Goldie that i wish i never stumbled upon because i am now extremely tempted.. It's so perfect?
You can also find fashion discount codes on their site and loads of fashion news from the runways and bloggers. Definitely advise this site if you're always searching for some new clothes but never know where to go.. There are hundreds of pages under each section with hundreds of different brands. A fashion girls fix.
Thanks for reading :)
Terri x
cool selection :))
I have never heard of that website before but I will definitely visit it! The dresses are gorgeous!x