Monday 8 March 2021

PHOTOWALL REVIEW | Photowall prints & posters..


The PR team at Photowall got in contact with me regarding sending a print or wallpaper over for me to review and because it's taken me too long to get some prints in my bedroom, I was extremely happy to try them out.

My go to place for prints stopped shipping to my hometown last year unfortunately and i've never really got round to searching for a new company with the same quality and diverse range of posters. 

When I went on the Photowall site it was extremely difficult to choose from the range of posters they had, but I went with this cute baby animals one for above my bed. Its bright and goes well with my grey walls. If you're looking for some pieces for a kids bedroom, type baby animals into the search bar! The cutest!

Delivery timescale was unbelievably fast! For those who know, shipping here usually takes at least a week, probably more if coming from overseas, but my package arrived within 3 days, from Sweden.

Thanks again to Photowall for contacting me and sending over this print for my room, I have added some more of my favourite prints and wallpapers below, major inspo!


Any items marked * have been sent to me as a PR product.

Thanks for stopping by, let me know which is your favourite?

Give thanks,
Much love,
Terri x

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